Shreekar Lathiya
Logo / Brand Identity / Menu Desgin

Initially, In this project I was tasked with creating 4 keycards & 4 Stickers for different 4 hostels — London, Barcelona, Copenhagen and Amsterdam. Each keycard had a Variant design. The company was was basically established to design creative ideas, so long as they reflect the cities. Moreover, the Central Hostels was looking for unique key card designs that recognizes each hostel. For the keycards, I was tasked to design a creative key card.


Central Hostel

In additional to designing keycards, Central Hostels decided to enlist me to create stickers included in the welcome packages. I was to create 1 sticker design for each location: Barcelona, Copenhagen, London and Amsterdam. The stickers were complimentary to the keycards. The stickers also adhered to the same colour palettes outlined in the key card brief. For the stickers, I was tasked with creating a dieline from scratch.

What I Delivered
  • Stickers
  • Keycard
bocafront sign
bocafront sign
bocafront sign
bocafront sign

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